ESP32 & IoT Fundamentals


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Course Overview:

This hands-on course introduces the ESP32 microcontroller and its role in IoT (Internet of Things) applications. Participants will learn to build connected devices, collect sensor data, and control actuators via the cloud.



Course Structure:

Module 1: Introduction to IoT and ESP32 

  • Topics Covered:
    • What is IoT? Real-world applications.
    • Overview of the ESP32 microcontroller: features and capabilities.
    • Setting up the ESP32 development environment using Arduino IDE.
  • Activities:
    • Installing drivers and libraries.
    • Running the “Blink” program on the ESP32’s onboard LED.

Module 2: GPIO Basics 

  • Topics Covered:
    • Understanding ESP32’s GPIO pins.
    • Interfacing with LEDs, push buttons, and buzzers.
  • Activities:
    • Control an external LED.
    • Read input from a push button and generate sound using a buzzer.

Module 3: Wi-Fi Connectivity 

  • Topics Covered:
    • Connecting ESP32 to a Wi-Fi network.
    • Basics of HTTP and MQTT protocols in IoT.
  • Activities:
    • Build a simple web server to control an LED remotely.
    • Display a “Hello World” webpage hosted by the ESP32.

Module 4: Sensor Interfacing 

  • Topics Covered:
    • Reading data from sensors: temperature, humidity, and light.
    • Analog vs. digital sensors: BMP280, LDR, etc.
  • Activities:
    • Interface BMP280 for temperature and pressure readings.
    • Use an LDR to measure light intensity and display results.

Module 5: IoT Data Transmission 

  • Topics Covered:
    • Sending sensor data to the cloud (ThingSpeak or Adafruit IO).
    • Visualizing real-time data on IoT dashboards.
  • Activities:
    • Transmit BMP280 data to a cloud platform.
    • Create a live dashboard for temperature and pressure monitoring.

Module 6: Actuator Control Over IoT 

  • Topics Covered:
    • Sending commands from the cloud to control actuators (e.g., servo motors).
    • Combining sensors and actuators for a responsive system.
  • Activities:
    • Build an IoT-based fan control system using a temperature sensor and a servo motor.

Module 7: Final Project – IoT Weather Station 

  • Project:
    • Build a functional IoT weather station using the ESP32.
    • Integrate BMP280 and LDR sensors for weather data collection.
    • Display data on a web dashboard and control a servo-based sunshade remotely.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand the fundamentals of IoT and ESP32 microcontrollers.
  • Learn to interface sensors and actuators with ESP32.
  • Connect devices to the cloud and transmit data securely.
  • Create basic IoT dashboards for data visualization and control.

This course is perfect for beginners eager to dive into IoT and explore the potential of ESP32 in connected device applications!


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