Arduino Learning Kit for Beginner | Sensor Integration Kit


50+ Projects

Learn the fundamentals of electronics and coding with our arduino sensor Kit. Engage in hands-on experimentation to build and code the prototype circuits with sensors like ultrasonic, IR, LDR, LCD display, Servo motors etc.

What’s in the box?

Arduino UNO * 1
Arduino Shield * 1
LCD Display * 1
IR Sensor *1
Ultrasonic Sensor * 1
Potentiometer * 1
Servo Motor * 1
Battery 18650 (chargeable) *3
Battery Holder * 1
Buzzer * 1
Push Button * 1




S.No Project Name Description
Basic Activity
1 ROBOT EYE BLINK Learn the basics of controlling an LED using Arduino.
2 BUTTON CONTROLLED LED Create a circuit where you can turn an LED on/off using a push button.
3 AUTOMATIC FAN Automatically turn the fan ON when a person comes in front of it
4 DISPLAY YOUR NAME IN OLED Write and display YOUR NAME on the OLED screen.
5 AUTOMATIC DOOR using Ir sensor detect any object infront of door and the door is open with the help of servo motor and after 10 second door is closed automatically
6 CAR WIPER Using push button when press the button servo will move 0 -180 and 180 – 0 degree
7 LIGHT SENSING Read analog data from LDR sensors to detect light levels
8 POWER SAVER Automatic light that turn ON during the night time and turns OFF during day time
9 IR OBSTACLE DETECTION Use IR sensors to detect obstacles and trigger an LED or buzzer.
10 BUZZER TONES Experiment with the buzzer to create different tones or melodies.
11 SCROLLING TEXT Create a scrolling text effect on the OLED display to show longer messages.
12 BLACK AND WHITE DETECTOR Ir sensor and servo motor to segregate white & black color
13 DISTANCE MEASUREMENT Use the ultrasonic sensor to measure distances and display them on the serial monitor.
14 BLUETOOTH COMMUNICATION Establish a Bluetooth connection between your Arduino and a smartphone. You can send and receive simple data.
15 BLUETOOTH LED CONTROL Control led ON-OFF by sending data to bluetooth using smartphone.
Intermediate Level Activity
16 AUTOMATIC HORN when the ultrasonic detect the distance less than 100 cm than it beep the horn
17 DISPLAY GRAPHICS Draw basic shapes like lines, circles, and rectangles on the screen.
18 DISPLAY DAY NIGHT display day and night in oled display using ldr sensor
19 HUMAN HEIGHT MEASURE IN OLED when the ultrasonic detect the distance then it show the distance in the oled display
20 SUNFLOWER ROBOT Create a robot that mimics a sunflower by following a light source. The servo motor moves a “flower head” with LDRs to track the light.
21 EYE PROTECTION SYSTEM using ultrasonic sensor when object detect less the 35cm then the buzzer start beeping
22 DISPLAY IMAGES & TEXT ANIMATION Load and display bitmap images on the OLED screen and Implement text animations like fading, sliding, or rotating effects.
23 SUNRISE/SUNSET SIMULATOR Simulate a sunrise and sunset with a lamp or LED. Use the LDRs to measure ambient light and control the servo motor to adjust the light source’s angle gradually.
24 AUTOMATIC RAILWAY CROSSING when a ultrasonic sensor detect the object then servo motor rotate 90 degree and when the object is not detected then servo remain 0 degree
25 LDR-CONTROLLED LED Use the LDR values to control the brightness of an LED.
26 BLUETOOTH PET FEEDER Build an automated pet feeder that you can control and schedule feeding times through a smartphone app.
Advance Level & Application base Activity
27 HOME AUTOMATION SYSTEM Design a home automation system using Bluetooth. Control lights, fans, or appliances with your smartphone.
28 LINE FOLLOW ROBOT Build a line-following robot that uses IR sensors to detect a line on the ground.
29 OBJECT FOLLLOW ROBOT when an object near to the ultrasonic sensor less than 50cm then it follow the object
30 LIGHT FOLLOW ROBOT using LDR sensor control the movement of the motor
31 VOICE CONTROL ROBOT Using bluetooth to give command with smartphone that follow the voice forward, backward, left and right.
32 OBSTACLE AVOIDER CAR WITHOUT SERVO Develop a car-like robot that navigates around obstacles using wheel control without the use of a servo motor.
33 OBSTACLE AVOIDER CAR WITH SERVO Enhance the obstacle avoidance capability of a car-like robot by incorporating a servo motor for precise directional control.
34 ROBOT CONTROL BLUETOOTH CAR Control the movements of car using a Mobile Phone
35 SPEED CONTROL ROBOTIC CAR Control the speed and movements of car using a Mobile Phone
36 DANCING ROBOT A robot to move/trace a path according to the instructions provided
37 AUTOMATED GREENHOUSE Use the LDRs and servo motor to control the opening and closing of greenhouse windows to maintain optimal lighting conditions for plant growth.
38 GRAPH PLOTTER Create a real-time graph plotting application to visualize sensor data trends.
Advance Project
39 BLUETOOTH CONTROLLED DOOR LOCK Build a door lock that can be locked/unlocked via Bluetooth.
40 SPEED DETECTOR Detect the speed of any object the pass in front of two ir sensor. Ir sensor placed in specified distacne
41 AUTOMATIC BRAKE SYSTEM Using ultrasonic sensor to detect the distance when distance near to the 200 cm then the motor is stop rotating
42 SELF DRIVING ROBOT Control the direction of robot using ultrasonic sensor and servo motor as per the obstacle without repeating the same position.


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